Monday, March 12, 2012

Arizona Everywhere

We saw a lot of familiar faces and faces we have never scene but already knew. Arizona ex-patriots are in abundance from Portland down to LA and it was a pleasure meeting all of you, but above that, people that seemingly understand that pointless things can help make things seem better, emotionally, physically, sexually(?).

People hyped on the release of energy/anger/frustration/a shitty day/a shitty life or people just hyped to bang thy heads. We aren't shocked about this, we know you are out there, it was just nice to meet you. Share a moment in time with you, and salute you.

We kept a diary of sorts about the food we ate, but we could have easily done one about the coffee we drank, the trees we saw, the people we shared bread with or the talks we had as a band, just know whatever it is we did, we do in communion with thank you.

Our little trip was awesome thank you to everyone who gave us a place to stay, an ear to bend and a good time to have:
: Larry Brough and Yayo Tacos, Gavin Hoffman Raunch Records, The Wax House, Jonathan (raw nerves) Brad Boatright Sesar and Teeph, Courtney Drant, Loren and Austin Candela, Daniel Trovillion, Corey Dieckman, the north hole, the know, death machine, old city, pageripper, Honduran, force hounds and the people of Chico, Idols Plaque for pounding the streets, heist for the same, Jesust , our families back home, Dominic Prime and Mark for putting out this record. Everyone else we forgot or fell in the margins, your not alone, we forget alot of things.

see you all soon.

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