Sunday, January 22, 2012

Social Media Corporate Overlords

It should be obvious to you, the reader, thru outlets far more prolific in understanding and explaining communication and interpersonal relationships, that the internet is a valuable and resourceful tool. We as a musical entity understand the need to "connect" and "speak" to you the supposed fan thru more avenues then our initial intention (the music). We also understand that various source of communication are often fleeting flavors of the week, month, year, and often people are opposed to the info mining and various underhanded techniques used by these large social media outlets (we sympathize).

We by large are a collection of dudes who sit in front of computers and "benefit" from the facebooks and twitters of the world wide web, but we know the world is larger then that. Does a page fill that global role, by no means, but we are striving to make sure our "message" and "fans" are at least informed and offered avenues that bypass the "traditional" media outlets.

We will be launching a simple website soon that will direct people to our outlets on the web, and eventually launching a full blown site that will offer the ability to communicate more then 140 words or get lost in requests for virtual tools on some game. Until then we will be using this blog to rehash our facebook info, give greater detail and expand on any ideas, good or bad, that we feel need further consideration.

We still post our shows, songs, info and photos on facebook and twitter. And for the time being here, in hopes that the person "off" the social grid can access this data.

But in the end, go out and walk thru a forest, a desert, a praire, a volcano, listent to music loud, turn off your smart phone, drink coffee, drink water, talk face to face, punch or hug another person and stay pissed.


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